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Is there or will there be a discord or like a patreon to see update progress etc?


Soon! I'll make an announcement when it's ready.


Cool, excited to see what's to come


is there weight gain?

In-universe, definitely. It will start being graphically represented in the next story update.

the game gets stuck on a grey screen whether i try to play it normally or do endless mod

Is this happening on your first attempted playthrough, or did the game work before? Which version are you using (check the text on the title screen)? Have you changed any of the default options?

(1 edit)

i have not changed any of the default option as far as i know and im using the initial hotfix ver ive rebooted the game a few times aswell to see if it would fix it 0.0.1e

and yes it is my first attempted playthrough

That's worrisome. The next order of business, if you'd like to help me track this issue down, would be to check out your Player.log file. You can find that at C:/Users/(username)/AppData/LocalLow/Anunnaki Games/New Pred in Town/. Run the game, encounter the glitch, then upload that file to pastebin or a similar site. Be aware that the file does include your username, so if privacy is a concern you should do a find-and-replace first.

which file am i supposed to upload playerlog or playerprevlog could you also upload a version of the game before the hotfix maybe that would fix it for me atleast

i think kisekae characters are great, but paired with the ai portraits is kinda a miss, maybe its just me.

other than that i dont know if every 2nd boss in endless mode buggs out or if it was just my "luck" and my deck got bugged, so im hardlocked in my endless run, i loaded an older state, beat prior enemys and the same occured

Can you clarify what you mean by "bugs out?" What is the issue and under which specific circumstances does the issue occur?

probably the bug i've encountered in endless mode, where the deck breaks entirely and i no longer have any cards in either the prey or pred side, additionally starting combat displays no cards on either side

yeah exactly

The next order of business, if you'd like to help me track this issue down, would be to check out your Player.log file. You can find that at C:/Users/(username)/AppData/LocalLow/Anunnaki Games/New Pred in Town/. Run the game, encounter the glitch, then upload that file to pastebin or a similar site. Be aware that the file does include your username, so if privacy is a concern you should do a find-and-replace first.

(1 edit)

Make endless more easy and forgiveing. as in if you going a pure pred build the boss just gonna wipe you

Deleted 132 days ago

yeah ik i bypass that with a 2v1, to win 

Why is game screen going black when i start a run

Is this happening on your first attempted playthrough, or did the game work before? Which version are you using (check the text on the title screen)? Have you changed any of the default options?

first time playing, i opened the game for the first time got to the title screen but when i press new game the screen just goes blank

If there's no letter after the version number, you're using the initial pre-hotfix release, which had issues with runtimes on certain machines. Please re-download and see if the issue persists.

Theres letter f and still game buggin

Theres letter f and still game buggin

idk if I'm dumb but everytime I click on fitness I can't exit off it :-;


"Likewise, if you find that porn use is substituting for (or diminishing your enjoyment of) partnered sex, influencing your real-world attitudes or behavior, causing you to form parasocial relationships, or otherwise becoming too central to your life - it's probably time for a break." 

Instant 5 stars.

Basically: This game is addicting. Better not play it. 5 stars too.


Hotfix update:

  • Game checks for corrupted resolution settings on startup and will correct them. For the moment, windowed mode is disabled.
  • Bugfix: Unlocked skills properly reset when gamestate is cleared
  • Feature: Text font may now be switched between standard and simple has a devlog feature where you can put the details of an update. it's good to put updates there so ppl can see them easier without needing to go through the comments

(1 edit) (+1)

This would be more fun if it didn't delete your progress every time you shut the game down. Or if there was some sort of cheat system to get your points back or so that you can play around with it.

It shouldn't be doing that - have you been using manual saves or quicksaves?

(3 edits)

Both and it still kept erasing the talents that I unlocked resetting it back to zero any excess experience points stayed there but if I put them into any talents they just got reset when I started the game back up. And I just tried this little update and it's worse now. You don't even keep the talents you unlock in endless mode now. It just immediately resets as soon as you go back to the main menu either from the story or the endless mode.  And you lose all the experience points that you earned

Experience and skills aren't meant to persist across runs, so that's intended behavior (the same way it works in the story, Liz will have to earn her skills in each timeline).

I'm much more concerned about the save file issue. Are you running this locally or on a VM? Any user account weirdness that'd interfere with saving files to AppData? You can check C:/Users/(your name)/AppData/LocalLow/Anunnaki Games/New Pred in Town/NaninovelData/Saves to see if files are being recorded at all.

(2 edits)

Yes, they're being saved, and I'm not having trouble loading, well, except for the endless mode saves just getting stuck in an infinite loading. That's more referring to the saves not keeping the skills that you unlock before the save. 

Try the hotfix I just uploaded, there's a specific time window following Endless Mode scenes that was interfering with serialization - should hopefully be solved in this build.

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm now going to go on a little tangent. Because based on what you said about the skills are supposed to reset completely and you have to start from scratch every time, then the endless mode is pointless. The whole point of an endless mode is to see how far you can get and try to get further the next time with what you've earned. But as it stands now, it's almost impossible to make it through just the first wave without ending and refreshing to get the most favorable round possible. And that'll just end as soon as you get hit with a predator that is spamming more cards than you can right at the beginning and you can never get through its defense. At this point, you might as well not even put the skilled Tree in there if you're not going to let us keep the points that we put into it at all. And if you don't keep the skills that you unlock during the story mode whenever you start up another game then some scenarios will never be able to be beaten. For example when you get eaten going to the bathroom at that one point in the story. It is practically impossible to survive that without having skill points from a previous run in play, because they play anywhere from 2 to 5 cards while you can only play 2 or 3.

You're conflating two very different types of progression here. Have you played many roguelikes before? Generally, the kind of unlockables which persist between runs are intended to increase the number of options a player has rather than raw power.

In terms of general difficulty outside of Endless Mode - it's useful to know that players are having difficulty with Noriko. She's pretty easy to beat in my testing once you understand the mechanics, but given that she's the first available prey scene and you're far from the only person having trouble here, I'll think about how that scene might be toned down a bit.

is it only digesting or can the character "grow" as well?

The game does keep track of weight gain, and the story will represent that visually once more time passes (probably a couple updates from now).

Do please let there be an option to keep slimmer, whether through workout or even just some preference.

I Love this game and can't wait to see more

are there scat after digest?

Yes, if the option is enabled.



I think it's a promising project, I'll be following your work for a while to see what direction this promising project takes.

In other words, I like your game and I'll keep an eye out for new versions.

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